Imagine you take a very bad story's premise, and you start thinking how you would have writen that story to make it good. Or maybe you take an unexplored part of a story and start making up how it would have gone.
And you keep writing and writing, adding stuff where it's needed, and maybe even changing parts that were originally there to make them more of your own taste.
Do you think that's a valuable way of creating a legitimate original story? Or would you consider it just smart plagiarism? Or maybe you think the line is clear...?
I wonder what you guys think!
It's an interesting perspective. It couldn't be called plagiarism because you change so many aspects of a story that it becomes something else completely. Also, even if you were trying to take influence or inspiration from another person's work, the end result would be marginally different, seeing as no two works are entirely the same, and you wouldn't be satisfied copying everything beat-by-beat. That iniatiative you have is inspiring in and out of itself. If realized, you are bound to create an amazing story. It is a great state of mind to be able to self-reflect while writing a work. I implore you to keep on thinking the way you do, seeing as it can surely help you. Thank you for your question, sir.